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U.Pandey & Associates, Chartered Accountants, (hereinafter referred to as "Firm" ) has compiled the information presented on this web site in good faith and with diligence for use by interested parties and / or users.
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The information on this site is intended to furnish users with general information on various matters, which users may find to be of interest to them. While, to the extent possible, every effort has been made to provide current and accurate information, errors can occur. In addition, as the information may change without being updated, users are cautioned that accuracy of the information is not guaranteed and users are well advised to verify information with authoritative sources.
Moreover, this site contains references to certain laws and regulations. As laws and regulations keep changing over time and hence should be interpreted only in the particular situations and / or circumstances.
The materials and/or information and comments presented on this site should not be construed as accounting, tax, legal, financial or any other professional advice or service. You should consult U.Pandey & Associates, Chartered Accountants or other professional advisor, as you deem fit, familiar with your specific and / or factual situation for advice concerning specific tax or other matters before making any decision. You are, hereby informed that you should not send any confidential information to us until you receive agreement from us to perform the services, as requested by you.
U.Pandey & Associates, Chartered Accountants, to the fullest extent permissible, as per applicable laws, disclaims all liability to the user of this site and / or any other interested parties, in regards to the matters and / or contents appearing in and / or on this site and / or all the links appearing, either by way of hyperlink or otherwise, to this site and all services provided through it, whether under any theory of contract, tort, warranty, strict liability or negligence or otherwise and also disclaims all types of damages, whether direct or indirect, even if the company was advised, knew or should have known to the possibility of such damages.
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Subject to the exceptions noted otherwise, all materials and / or contents presented on this site is copyright (c) 2013-2030 of U.Pandey & Associates, Chartered Accountants. All rights reserved. No part of the materials and/or contents appearing and/or presented on this site, including but not limited to the text, html code, graphics or patterns, may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without our written permission.